Friends & Birds of the Air
Andhra Pradesh & Telangana
Serving the last, the least and the lost...
‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25:40-45
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Our streets are filled with poor urchins, beggars and vagabonds; What do these souls require? We might think that they require food to eat and clothes to wear and some money. But are these what they really want.
These poor souls don't hunger only for a piece of bread or a meal, nor do they thirst only for a glass of water. They actually hunger for love, for somebody to look at them, for somebody to want them, for somebody to talk to them and somebody to care for them. That's the Hunger to be cared for, to be wanted, to be loved.
For these soul's Nakedness is not only to gain a piece of cloth. Nakedness to them is that loss of human dignity, that loss of the beautiful virtue purity, the gift that God has given to every human being; that beautiful gift of chastity and that beautiful gift of virginity.
For these souls Homelessness is not only to have no home built of bricks. It is being rejected, unwanted and thrown away by society. We often pick up people who don't cry of hunger, but rather they complain that their son or daughter threw them out of their own house into a dust bin. This is the feeling of real homelessness, unwanted, unloved!
Mother Teresa often recited of an incident, "One night about midnight a little child came to Mother Teresa's convent and was knocking at the gate. Sister asked "What has happened ? " He replied, "My father and mother are separated. I went to my father, my father didn't want me. I went to my mother, my mother also didn't want me." Then he asked Sister if she wanted him. She took him in her arms immediately. This is the terrible, terrible feeling of being unwanted.
So our poor brothers and sisters from the streets desire not only for food, water or a home rather it is for someone to love them, for someone to talk to them, for someone to listen to them.
Our Work
F.B.A has gained the goodwill and friendship of several social workers, police officers, hospital staff, railway staff and the general public; these kind people help us by either picking up destitutes from the streets and bringing them to our ashrams or by intimating us the location facilitating us to bring a new inmate to our ashram. Above in the photograph is Mr. David, a social worker who is a great help to us. Here he brings three men from the nearby railway station.
Sin has disfigured the image and likeness of God in Man. When a naked person comes to our ashram, he receives God's love through the serving volunteers and thus he is made beautiful again.
Recovered from the world of evil and dirty and sinful life, these souls are helped by the volunteers to clean themselves. These souls are first given a shave followed by a bath and given a new pair of clothes. He is given a good meal. He is then checked for injuries and bandaged or given some medical attention.
The naked person shown above is now transformed into a dignifed, beautiful creation of God.
Real Help - True Charity
Is not throwing some coins into the lap of a beggar. But is to “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Mt 7:12) & is to stand by them till the end.
The dying destitutes on our streets are the stones rejected by our society as useless. They have no homes, no relatives, no social status and no identity cards. This dying destitute was lying on the roadside on a street in Hyderabad, India under the scorching sun. He had a few food packets thrown around him. But he was unable to get one last drop of water onto his tongue. He was waiting for a helping hand before closing his eyes to this world.
Who We Are
Our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly in the actions of our initiatives. From the moment we started our work in 2000, we understood that by working together we could overcome our challenges much more efficiently, and that is why we ultimately decided to launch We strive to make a positive change in all of our pursuits.
Ways We Help
The Focus of Our Efforts
Economic Development
Capacity Building
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